PPG Minutes: 30th January 2024



(GFJ), (EA), (MP), (SK), (MB), (CS)

  • Apologies: (MV),
  • Guest: (AAS), (SJW)

A warm welcome extended to all our members. Apologies received from MV noted.


Minutes of our last meeting – 7th November 2023

Update from MB, RP patients have been contacted regarding Cholesterol & Lipid Control.

GFJ mentioned that at our last meeting the PPG members were happy to be back meeting face to face and the meeting members thanked the practice for all they do.

GFJ asked for clarity on Swiss Cottage Practice association with our PCN considering their distance from our local area. The PCN is formed of like-minded GPs and not necessarily geographical.  


First Contact Physio (FCP)

New service starting at RP from 6th February 2024. Physio is Greg Sarantis. 

This service is for advanced physio assessment offering patients prompt advice and onward referral where necessary. This new service should improve the current physio services we offer. FCP can refer patients to MSK. 

Both clinicians and admin can refer patients into this service. This will take the pressure our current inhouse appointments.

Question from member MP, will this service include foot treatment/assessment. No, foot treatment and assessment will be via MSK,  or podiatry depending upon the condition. 

MP offered good feedback on her experience at recent MSK appointment. 


Recent Measles Alerts

Update from MB – this is due to a lack of uptake on childhood MMR vaccinations over the last few years. We have not seen evidence of a Measles outbreak in RP but there are high rates of this in local boroughs such as Hackney. At RP we are trying to ensure that all students have had x2 vaccinations especially those from overseas.


Questions from our members

  • MP asked if Measles vaccinations need to be repeated. Not if you have had 2 vaccination doses in the past.
  • GFJ asked what the difference is between German Measles and Measles. MB explained: Rubella (German Measles) is different to measles. The two illnesses share some signs and symptoms, such as the red rash. Rubella is caused by a different virus than measles.

Clinical Pharmacist (AAS)

AAS joined the meeting to give our members an insight to her work at RP.

AAS is the first pharmacist at RP and deals with Medication requests, helps patients who have questions around medication side effects and how best to take their prescribed medication. If a particular medication is out of stock AAS can suggest a suitable alternative. AAS helps the 

practice to look at the cost of medicines and will try to find appropriate alternatives to costly drugs, but change will only take place where the new medication is like-for-like and there is no impact on the patient from this change. Always working in the best interest of the patient. 

AAS reviews patient’s Blood Pressure, offers medication reviews and can also prescribe.


Questions from our members

  • EA enquired about routine blood tests and AAS can arrange these.
  • SK enquired about general review appointments with AAS.

MB highlighted our e-Consultation platform on the RP website. These patient queries are triaged by our nursing team and patients are directed to the appropriate clinician. This is working well. RP is not running a total triage system and patients can still call reception or pop into the practice to book an appointment.


Trainer (SJW)

SJW joined the meeting, RP is a training practice. We are about to welcome our 7th Trainee GP. The trainees usually do a 6-month training programme at RP. These are qualified doctors who have decided to specialist in General Practice. This is working well; patients and staff are very supportive of our trainees. All doctors at RP contribute to the trainee programme. The trainees have protected learning sessions.

RP may have more trainers and trainees in the future.

Some questions arose around Patient Volunteers for the trainee doctors when taking their exams and general volunteers for medical trials. MB found some information on the NIHR website



Our inhouse patient survey is almost complete and results will be share at the next PPG meeting. The is a public survey the is posted to patients by NHSE, this is known as the Ipsos Mori survey. For RP there is a vey low return rate with these surveys, usually around 5%. We feel our inhouse survey is a more comprehensive review of our patient feedback. m

We discussed Physicians Associates (PAs) and the recent media attention. MB explained the role of the PA within RP.  There are regular training and learning sessions provided and support offered by all the doctors here. Our PAs are an asset to the practice, their support to our doctors helps free up doctor time which allows the GPs to  deal with more complex patients. The PAs can refer on to secondary care services, they cannot request X-ray, CT scan, nor prescribe. There is always one or more of our GPs on hand to support the PAs.


Date of next meeting

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 from 12.15pm – a sandwich lunch will be provided.